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Advising for Undergraduate CS Students

A Computer Science sophomore, junior, and senior is required to meet with their assigned Computer Science Academic Advisor (Kathy Ice-Wedding or Stephen Hicks) at least once during each priority registration advising season to discuss progress in the Computer Science program, to review a course plan for next semester, and to have the academic advising hold lifted. A Computer Science freshman is to contact their College of Engineering Freshman Academic Advisor for priority registration advising instructions.

We also remind you about your required CS faculty advising (see item 5 below).

Winter 2022 and Spring 2023 Priority Registration Windows Open

Project Graduate Program
November 1, 2022

Honors and Students with Disabilities
November 2 – 3, 2022

November 4 – 7, 2022

November 8, 2022

November 9 – 10, 2022

Priority Registration Academic Advising Process: 5 Steps

  1. Schedule a priority registration academic advising appointment with your assigned CS Academic Advisor
  2. Run a CS degree audit and pre-plan courses in myUK course planner
  3. Check myUK for any holds on your record
  4. Keep your appointment
  5. Attend a separate, professional information meeting that you schedule with a CS faculty advisor

See below for detailed information for each step.

  1. Schedule a priority registration academic advising appointment with your assigned CS Academic Advisor. Appointments will be available from September 20, 2022 – November 22, 2022. Appointments are available in 30-minute increments, and a typical advising appointment will last 20-30 minutes. We are offering both in-person appointments and Zoom meeting appointments. In some situations, in-person meetings may be more productive and requested by the assigned CS Academic Advisor. Your academic advising hold will be lifted at the end of your meeting with your assigned CS Academic Advisor.

    To schedule an appointment, use the instructions below. (This system works best with Firefox and Chrome browsers.)

    1. Log on to myUK
    2. Click on the “Degree Planning and Registration (myUK)” tab
    3. Click on “Make Appointment” under your Academic Advisor’s name on the right side of the screen
    4. Select appointment date and time
    5. Click “Confirm Reservation”
    6. You should immediately receive a confirmation email that your appointment has been scheduled. The confirmation email provides the meeting space for in-person meetings and Zoom link details for Zoom meetings

    Priority registration advising appointments are limited prior to the opening of priority registration windows, so if you wait to schedule your appointment – or if you miss your appointment – you may delay your registration until the Add/Drop window (November 28, 2022 - January 8, 2023).

  2. Run a CS degree audit and plan courses in your myUK course planner. Prior to your advising appointment, please log into your myUK GPS Planner and plan courses for the Winter 2022 session (if applicable) and Spring 2023 semester. Pre-planning your courses is required by UK and the College of Engineering. To learn how to use the myUK GPS Planner to plan courses, visit https://registrar.uky.edu/sites/default/files/2022-07/Registration%20Using%20myUK.pdf.

    If you fail to plan your courses, you may be asked to reschedule your advising appointment due to your lack of preparation. This could result in a delay of your course registration as appointments fill rapidly.

  3. Check myUK for any holds on your record (i.e. HAVEN, C.A.T.S., unpaid parking tickets, library fines, admissions, any unpaid UK bill, etc.) and address them. An “advisor hold” is normal; this will be lifted after you have met with your Academic Advisor. You will not be able to register until all holds are cleared.

  4. Keep your appointment. Please be courteous of everyone’s time – the myUK appointment scheduling system allows for cancellations in advance and/or email the advisor of your circumstances for last-minute cancellations. If you are late for your appointment, please understand you may need to reschedule.

  5. Schedule and attend a separate, required professional information meeting with a CS Faculty Advisor for the Fall 2022- Spring 2023 academic year. Information about how to schedule this type of meeting is forthcoming in a separate email. The deadline for students who are in line to graduate in December 2022 or May 2023 to complete this task is November 22, 2022. The deadline for all other students is April 14, 2023. Please check the current schedule of office hours for CS faculty.

We look forward to meeting with you!

Kathy Ice-Wedding
Email: kathy@cs.uky.edu
Phone: 859-257-4997

Stephen Hicks
Email: stephen@cs.uky.edu
Phone: 859-323-7268