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The Materials And Chemical Engineering Graduate Student Association (MACE) was formed as a conduit for graduate students to interact through meaningful collaborations, exchange of intellectual property, access to physical assets as well as interact together on  a departmental level with faculty. MACE was formed in the Fall of 2013 and has full standing and acknowledgment from multiple campus wide organizations including the Student Government Association, Graduate Student Congress and the Engineering Student Council. Currently MACE focuses its efforts on bringing together graduate students within the department in a variety of social and professional events throughout the semester.

Current Officers and Cabinet

President: Emily Ingram

MACE Equipment Database

President: David Lu (djlu225@uky.edu)
Vice President: Sulaiman Dhameri (sadh222@uky.edu)
Treasurer: Damilola Alewi (ddal230@uky.edu)
Secretary: Imran Noor (mno259@uky.edu)
Social Events Chair: Vianna Le (vle224@uky.edu)
GSA Rep: Mara Leach (mle271@uky.edu)
Social Media Chair: Paula Alarcon Espejo (pal230@uky.edu)
Safety Coordinator: Emily Ingram (emily.ingram@uky.edu)

President: Ryan Hill 
Vice President: Pranto Paul
Treasurer: Matthew Whitwer
Secretary: Emily Ingram
Social Chair: Kubra Uzun
GSA Rep: David Lu
Materials Rep: Alyssa Stubbers 
Webmaster: Sulaiman Dhameri 

President: Francisco Leniz
Vice President: Victoria Klaus
Treasurer: Claire Rowlands
Secretary: Annaliza Perez-Torres
Graduate Council Representative: David Lu
Social Chair: Rollie Mills
WebMaster: Annaliza Perez-Torres

MACE Links

The frequently used forms page provides information about: Procard Worksheet and corresponding instructions, tax exempt certificate, travel authorization, key request, toner request, and surplus authorization.

Graduate Student Congress Awards Applications

GSC distributes six travel awards and one research award per cycle. Apply for awards before the cycle deadline of your travel. Funds can be awarded even if travel was before cycle deadline.

October 15 deadline for (September-December)
February 15 (January-April)
April 15 (May-August)

Learn more about the 3 Minute Thesis on Graduate Student Congress website.