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Eric Sanders

  • Marketing & Communications

Senior Director of Marketing and Communications


RGAN 383


M.S Instructional Systems Design, University of Kentucky, 2020

B.A. Media Arts & Studies, University of Kentucky, 2015

Awards & Accolades

2023 GOLD American Advertising Award (ADDY) - Video Editing "A Community that Believes in You"

2020 SILVER American Advertising Award (ADDY) - Internet Commercial Campaign "Engineering Department Commercials"

2019 GOLD American Advertising Award (ADDY) - Film, Video & Sound "UKY Engineering Sneak Peak"

2018 SILVER American Advertising Award (ADDY) - Element of Advertising Video Editing "Welcome to A&S"

2018 SILVER American Advertising Award (ADDY) - Film, Video & Sound "Major in Geology - Bailee"

2018 SILVER American Advertising Award (ADDY) - Film, Video & Sound "A&S Hall of Fame - Tom Spalding"

2017 Inclusive Excellence Grant ($10,000) "Multicultural Diversity and the Educational Experience"