To make a Dean’s List, a student must earn a grade-point average of 3.6 or higher and must have earned 12 credits or more in that semester, excluding credits earned in pass-fail classes.
The award was presented at the hybrid Lead Blue: Student Organizations Celebration and Award Ceremony on April 28.
The NSF GRFP is the country’s oldest graduate fellowship program directly supporting graduate students since 1952.
This course introduces students outside of chemical engineering to the science and engineering aspects that control the production of bourbon in a distillery setting.
Sarah Wilson, a lecturer in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, is the 2021 winner of the Henry Mason Lutes Award for Excellence in Engineering Education.
In addition to serving as head of research at UK’s James B. Beam Institute for Kentucky Spirits, Berron has also mentored several UK junior faculty members.
Vogler will begin pursuing a Ph.D. in chemical engineering at The University of Texas at Austin this fall.
The DAAD's RISE internships give each student an opportunity to do research with one of Germany's top universities or research institutions.
The 2020 inductees represent five different majors: chemical engineering, civil engineering, computer science, electrical engineering and mechanical engineering.
Gutierrez is currently a postdoctoral researcher working in the University of Kentucky Superfund Research Program Center.