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Ormsbee Wins ASCE Water Resources Award

February 12, 2016

Raymond-Blythe Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Lindell Ormsbee has been selected by the Environmental and Water Resources Institute to receive the 2016 Julian Hinds Award. The honor recognizes significant achievements that advance engineering in the field of planning, development and management of water resources.

Raymond-Blythe Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of the Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute Lindell Ormsbee has been selected by the Environmental and Water Resources Institute to receive the 2016 Julian Hinds Award. The honor recognizes significant achievements that advance engineering in the field of planning, development and management of water resources.


Dr. Ormsbee is receiving the award “for pioneering research and its practical implementation in water distribution systems, watershed and stormwater management, groundwater remediation, as well as leadership in management of the nation’s, and especially Kentucky’s, water resources and his intellectual generosity and cheerful encouragement of others.”

An expert in water distribution modeling and security, Dr. Ormsbee will receive the award during the World Environmental and Water Resources Congress in West Palm Beach, Fla., May 22-26. He has taught civil engineering with an emphasis on water resources at the University of Kentucky since 1983.